Arup to Restore Nature at Nattergal’s Boothby Wildland and Advance UK Nature-Based Carbon Removal
Announced today, global engineering and sustainable development consultancy Arup has committed £1 million to a nature restoration project, partnering with Nattergal and Wilder Carbon in an industry-leading initiative.
Nattergal provides BNG Units for Bellway Homes
Bellway Homes have taken a significant step towards meeting the new Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) planning obligations by purchasing their first offsite habitat units from Nattergal.
Government Advisors meet at Boothby Wildland to discuss Landscape Recovery
Last week, it was our privilege to host representatives from DEFRA, Natural England, the Environment Agency and The Forestry Commission.
Of Mires and Men: The Challenges of Peatland Restoration
In England, only 13% of peatlands are in a near-natural state, most of which found in the uplands. The degraded remainder are emitting 10 million tonnes of CO2e every year, almost 3% of the nation’s total.
The Case for Compliance Markets
Like it or not, we live in a world subject to market forces, where capital is expected to generate a return. If we accept this premise, it becomes clear that anything we wish to achieve – such as combatting the climate and biodiversity crises – must be done within the parameters of a capitalist system.
Our Top Ten Achievements for Nature
This year’s World Rewilding Day theme is ‘hope into action’, a fitting time to reflect on Nattergal’s progress towards our long-term purpose of proving that nature is worth investing in. In this article, we revisit some of the early achievements that have set us on the right track to ‘delivering nature recovery at scale, to provide vital benefits for society and sustainable financial returns.’
Working with water
With the dramatic changes to our climate that we’re experiencing, understanding water movement and its relationship with land will become one of the most pressing issues for environmentalists to deal with.
What is Biodiversity Net Gain?
An overview of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and it’s importance to UK nature restoration.
Our vision for Nattergal
Our Nattergal Chairman - Sir Charlie Burrell introduces our new blog, and explains why now is the right time to be delivering ature recovery at scale.